Breaky Bottom

Breaky Bottom

Peter Hall
Breaky Bottom Vineyard
LEWES Sussex

    Wines produced
  • Sparkling wine
    Vine types

  • Seyval Blanc
  • Muller Thurgau


    Wine maker Peter Hall
Constant winner of International GOLD medals, this is well respected as one of the best users of the dis-approved Seyval Blanc hybrid grape to make very high class sparkling wines.

The vineyard is several miles along an old army concrete road . It was first planted on an old pig farm in 1974 An infestation of badgers required action in the 1980s . This was combined with a tagging scheme sponsored by the University of Sussex. All badgers in the area are now being tracked as well as being fenced out . Since the millennium, Peter has concentrated on producing sparkling wine, and has no problems in selling every bottle released
The vineyard lies at 150 a.s.l. in a dry chalk valley

Breaky Bottom in its isolated splendour

Food and Wine

Quince in white wineChicken in gingerLing in White sauce
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