Vernon Lodge Vineyard

Vernon Lodge VINEYARD

Mike & Sylvia Dean
Vernon Lodge Vineyard
    Grape Varieties
  • Madeleine Sylvaner
  • Siegerrebe
  • Madeleine Angevine
  • Amateur Vineyard - not open to the public
  • Wine not sold
  • Member of Thames & Chiltern and Mercian Vineyards Associations
    Wine Maker: Mike Dean

Vernon Lodge is almost unique in Britain - a community vineyard. The site ocupies 0.3 acres in Mike Dean's garden, with neatly trellised grapes running East/West down to a small winery. At pruning and harvest time, family and neighbours come in to help with the vines and take away bottles of wine. None is sold but it is entered for local association competitions and is an excellent food wine.
Visitors are welcomed at convenient times by appointment and can look round the vineyard and the winery. To obtain wine you will have to move into the village or attend the fete in the next door Church where wines make much sought-after prizes.

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