The Sitwell family have been authors and patrons of the arts for generations.Dame Edith, Sacheverell and Sir Osbert were well known for their writings in the early and mid part of the 20th. Century.
The founder of the vineyard was the late Sir Reresby Sitwell Bt. who planted it in his upper pasture in 1972. Early wine was produced on the estate from a winery in the cellars. For some time in the eighties, the grapes went to High Weald in Kent for vinification. Until 2010, wine was made by Tony Skuriat at Eglantine.It is now produced at Halfpenny Green. The label (now out of date) shows the coat of arms of the Sitwells.
Until 1986, the vineyard was certified as the most northerly in the world at 53 degrees, 18 minutes North. However this has now been overtaken by several Yoprkshire vineyards and by one in Fifeshire.Renishaw Hall is signposted from the A616 Sheffield Road, about 4 miles from Junction 30 on the M1
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