37 Shirrall Drive
Drayton Bassett
B78 3EQ
E.mail buzzardvalley@btconnect.com
Own web site
Phone 0121 308 1951
Fax 0121 323 2805


  • Reichensteiner
  • Rondo
  • Regent
  • Phoenix
  • Madeleine Angevine
  • Seyval Blanc
  • Pinot Noir
  • Buzzards Valley provides a wide range of wines including white, red, rose from their own vines. They have a full modern winery with stainless steel tanks, automated bottling and labelling equipment, bar, tea room and restaurant providing full facilities including vineyard tours, world wines, food, gifts and hampers. They also have nine fishing lakes (course and game) on the farm adjacent to the vineyard.
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