Braised Ruby Chard

Serves 4-6



  1. Wash the chard thoroughly.
  2. Peel and thinly slice the onions.
  3. Heat the butter in an ovenproof dish and fry the onions gently. Dish must be large enough to take the shredded leaf.
  4. Cut the leaf part of the chard from the stem and put to one side. Cut the chard stems (across) into ½" strips.
  5. Add to the onion and continue frying gently until slightly softened. Stir frequently.
  6. Add spices, fry for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Peel and core the apple. Slice thinly, add to the vegetables.
  8. Add wine, wine vinegar, jelly, stock and bay leaf. Bring liquid to boiling point.
  9. Transfer the covered dish to a preheated oven (Mark 2/150°C/300°F) for approximately 1½ hours.
  10. Shred the chard leaves.
  11. Place the dish back on the hob (gentle heat) and add the chard leaves. Stir to coat the leaf with the sauce. Add more liquid if necessary.
  12. Once the liquid is bubbling gently, cover and return to the oven for another hour.

Note: Keep an eye on the liquid level of the dish during cooking to ensure that it doesn't dry out. Add more liquid if necessary but don't swamp it - the vegetables should not be watery at the end of cooking.

Serve with roasted game.