Thornbury Castle Vineyard

Von Essen Hotels
Thornbury Castle Hotel & Tudor Gardens
Telephone +44 (0) 1454 281182
Own web site


  • Muller Thurgau
  • Phoenix (currently being planted)
  • Kerner, Madeleine Angevine in neighbouring St Augustine's Vineyard
  • The Thornbury Castle is a luxury hotel north of Bristol. The original castle dates to 924AD as a Saxon manor. It was granted by Wiliam I to the Earls of Stafford and was kept in the family ever since- apart from during periods of disagreement with the king. (Two dukes beheaded for treason against Richard III and Henry VIII respectively)
    It became a high class country hotel in the latter part of the 20th Century.

    The vineyard was planted in about 1976 and provides wine for the hotel guests. The vines are currently becoming exhausted and are being replaced. Currently, the nearby St Augustine's vineyard is leased as a source of extra grapes.

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