Nutbourne Manor

Peter Gladwin
Nutbourne Manor Vineyard
Wines produced White
Vine types include
  • Bacchus
  • Huxelrebe
  • Muller Thurgau
  • Reichensteiner
  • Schonburger


  • Shop
  • Vineyard walks

    Eighteen acre vineyard planted in early 1980's using the Geneva Double Curtain system. The site is about 350' above sea level facing south-east on a greensand soil. In the early days, the vineyard was part of a 'Nutbourne Manor tour' and was marketed as part of the house tour. It is currently run from a converted windmill and is open all the year round. The grapes are taken to Tenderden in Kent for vinification and between 40000 and 60000 bottles a year are produced. All are certified as Quality Wine psr.

    Leave Pulborough on the A283 and turn left at the West Chiltington turn. Ignore the signpost to Nutborne village and take the next left up the narrow Gay Street. The vineyard turning is about half a mile up this lane on the left hand side. There is a carpark inside the entarance, with a 200 yard walk to the shop and vineyard. Please do not allow dogs to roam, or pick the grapes. Otherwise, visitors are welcome to wander through the well-signposted vineyard.

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